I hope you are well at this time, and I wanted to share with you some of our thinking here at Winona’s Hemp and Heritage Farm, and pray that we will all work together for that future that we see
Crisis is opportunity. The Chinese characters for crisis are 危机“wēijī,” danger and opportunity. That’s now. Take a breath, maybe look at the night sky and see stars clearly. Enjoy this moment and breathe while Mother Earth gets a rest from our closed factories.
Let’s be better when we come out of this cluster of crises. Let’s appreciate each other, localize our economy, get cleaner, healthier, and grow some victory gardens of this millennium. Let’s continue to shut down dirty industries. Indeed, that’s our dream at Winona’s Hemp. Rowen White, the Seed Saver, calls them Resilience Gardens. With allies like the Indigenous Seed Savers, we are starting seeds.
Many of them. Nationally, seed sales are rocketing and people understand that localizing is an essential part to solving these world problems.
She’s an amazing plant. You can learn a lot from a plant. For the past four years I’ve been hanging out with cannabis plants. I have a bit of a maternal streak which seems to translate well to animals and plants (children, I am not so sure), and I’ve been growing cannabis. That’s the plant’s name. We all say industrial hemp so that we are not demonized, and people don’t think I have a big marijuana farm out there by Osage. There’s apparently some “stigma” attached to cannabis. So, let me just say it loud and proud. I’m a cannabis grower.